Logging In, and Browsers.
Log into the syzygy service by using your home university credentials. Currently, three sites are up and running:
- https://sfu.syzygy.ca Simon Fraser University
- https://ucalgary.syzygy.ca University of Calgary
- https://ubc.syzygy.ca University of British Columbia
Your "university credentials" will be something like your campus-wide login ID, student or employee number, etc. You will also need to enter the password connected to your campus-wide login ID or number. This information is held privately by your university IT group, so privacy is assured by your university.
You can use any web browser that you like. However, some experience suggests the following:
- Firefox is better at rendering math formulas, but cut/copy/paste does not work in the terminal.
- Chrome is better at cut/copy/paste in the terminal, important when using GIT, for instance.
- Internet Explorer is not something to use, for many good reasons.